Through a long and laborious process that varies from weeks to months depending on the work and numerous variables, I grow crystalline formations on objects, rope sculptures, installations and intertwining thorny branches.
I combined the first crystallizations with the thorns and then moved on to elements for domestic use, transforming them and giving them new life as in the alchemical Opus by intervening in the phase following the dissolution of the material, recomposing it into a superior synthesis, according to the motto of the alchemists solve et coagula
The crystallization is a long and slow procedure, The result depends on multiple and different factors. To realize a full sculpture it might take months to grow the right amount of crystals of big size.
The color and the shape of my crystals is natural, the variation of colors depend by the different elements and the different solutions I am using.
NATURA NATURANS, 2017 brambles branches and crystals
BRAIN, 2016 crystals on metal wire and rope
Cordis, 2017 copper sulphate crystallization on rope, site specific installation
You stabbed my heart, 2020 chrome crystallization on rope and vintage knives
Shoes, 2020 chrome crystallizations on my mother’s wedding shoes on silver plated vintage tray
What we where what we will be, 2023, copper sulphate crystallization over animal bones
Thank you I am sorry, 2023 crystallizations over aluminum structure